The new encyclopaedic third edition of The design manual


The next General Meeting will feature a presentation by David Whitbread. You can attend either in person or via a Zoom webinar.

For details of future meetings, scroll to the end.

Date: Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Time: 5:45 pm (on site), 6:30 pm (webinar)
Further details below.

About the presentation

David will introduce us to the third edition of The design manual, which is now in production and will be launched in 2023, 22 years after the first edition was published. David will be joined by Kirsten McNeill, who managed the full manuscript edit, and by Wendy Elliott, Director and Senior Editor of Apricot Zebra.

The presentation will be about:

  • approaching publishers and finally deciding to self-publish
  • how Lee Child inspired the writing process – and the editing style sheet
  • increasing diversity and representation in design – and The design manual
  • working with a print broker … and editors, and
  • new chapters, including one on ‘Text preparation’ that CSE Member Ted Briggs has reviewed.

This talk continues on from David’s last CSE talk on the research process – some years ago now.

Come along to this meeting or join us online on 27 July! It is sure to be of relevance to all editors.

About David

David Whitbread was the Design Director of the Australian Government Publishing Service. In 2004, he became the Director of Corporate Communications, then Web, Design and Video for an Australian Government department. Later, he was the Corporate Communications Manager and Marketing Team Leader for the Australian Government Solicitor for 10 years. He was also the Head of Graphic Design at the University of Canberra. David was art director and one of the co-authors of the Australian Government’s Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edition (Wiley, 2002), and an adviser and expert reviewer on the 7th edition (Digital Transformation Agency,, 2020).

To attend in person

We’d love to see you in 3D. There’s no need to register beforehand, but please sign the attendance book when you arrive at the venue.


The Durie Room
St Mark’s National Theological Centre
15 Blackall St (not Blackall Place)
See MAP.


Wednesday 27 July 2022
Room opens at 5:45 pm. Presentation begins at 6:30 pm.

To attend the webinar (via Zoom)

Here’s the Zoom webinar link:
Passcode: 020245
Or One tap mobile :
Australia: +61370182005,,86860489695#,,,,*020245# or +61731853730,,86860489695#,,,,*020245#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Australia: +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 7 3185 3730 or +61 8 6119 3900 or +61 2 8015 6011
Webinar ID: 868 6048 9695
Passcode: 020245
International numbers available:

The webinar audience can use Zoom’s Q&A functionality to ask questions or offer opinions. (You will not be able to see the presentation or participate in the Q&A if you attend by phone call.)

The webinar will not be recorded.

Other General Meetings this year

31 August

The self-publishing industry
William Webster (Australian Self-Publishing Group, Pty. Ltd/Inspiring Publishers), with Kaaren Sutcliffe

28 September

Sensitive language and language, discrimination and gender in English
Roly Sussex (Emeritus Professor from the University of Queensland and ABC radio presenter on English and language)

26 October


30 November

Trivia quiz night

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